BOSTON—May 10, 2018—ALL CPAs announced today that director Laura O’Brien, CPA was elected to The Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants (MSCPA) board of directors for a three-year term, 2018-2020.
The MSCPA board of directors is a group of 17 elected members that sets policies, manages programs and oversees activities that benefit the 11,000-member organization and accounting profession in Massachusetts. The board members were formally welcomed at the MSCPA’s Annual Meeting and Recognition Reception on May 3.
“It’s an honor to be appointed to the MSCPA Board of Directors. I always thought that if I was not practicing public accounting, I would like to be involved in higher education in some capacity. As I witness the profound impact technology is having on our industry, my interest has been piqued on the skills a future CPA will need to possess.“ said O’Brien. “I am interested in collaborating with schools to ensure curriculums are adjusted to prepare new graduates for the changing face of accounting. My goal on the Board is to help spread awareness to prospective accounting students of the new opportunities that an accounting career offers. At the same time, I would also like to explore how the society can support small and mid-size firms to adapt to these changes.”
Laura O’Brien, CPA (center) along with ALL CPAs Firm Administrator Sandra Davidson, CPA (left) and Principal, Kristin Kelley, CPA (right) at the MSCPA MAP Conference.
“The MSCPA’s board of directors plays a vital role in shaping the priorities of the Society and this group of dedicated individuals truly want to better the profession,” said Amy Pitter, president and CEO of the MSCPA. “I am thrilled to have Laura on the board and look forward to witnessing first-hand what her leadership will contribute to the Society, community and the profession.”
“This is a great honor for Laura and we are proud of her achievements and distinction she brings the firm and to the profession, ” said Ron Loberfeld, managing partner of ALL CPAs.
About the Massachusetts Society of CPAs:
The Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. is the state professional association of certified public accountants, representing over 11,000 members in public accounting practice, industry and business, government and education. The Society works to develop and maintain high professional standards and offers a wide array of legislative, technical and referral services to its members.