
Out of the Office and into the Community: ALL CPAs Volunteers with Brookline Parks

On June 6, 2019, ALL CPAs staff volunteered with Brookline Parks & Rec clearing out invasive species out of local Brookline, MA park trails. Staff spent the day pulling and cutting out the invasive plants, avoiding poison ivy and thorns, and then dragging the plants out of the park for pickup.

Left unchecked, the plants take over park areas and kill native trees, flowers, and negatively affect the ecosystem.  ALL worked closely with representatives from Brookline Parks & Rec to identify and remove the plants.

“It was fun getting out of the office, but this was hard work,” said ALL senior Doug Nickerson. “After dragging all those plants a half-mile through the woods, I definitely didn’t feel guilty about enjoying the pizza we had after.”

ALL was participating in the annual CPA Day of Service where the firm spends the day volunteering in the local community. The event was organized by the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee headed by Adrienne Mayer, CPA and Rich Mirabito. Giving back is a core value at ALL CPAs and we applaud our staff’s hard work in the local community.

Pictures from the Day of Volunteering:

Kathy Redford cutting out invasive plants.

Adrienne Mayer getting in the thick of things while volunteering

Angel Dominguez won’t let an invasive plant get out of his site

Heather Dolan, CPA lives close by this park, so she was cleaning up her own backyard!

Jen pulling out plants and protecting the parks.

Dragging the cut down plants a half mile through the woods for pickup. ALL staff had to do this twice!

Thumbs up for teamwork!


Learn more about what makes ALL CPAs a great place to work on our career page. 



Chris O'Day