Webinar Offering 12/1 – 2021 Economic Forecast with Daniel S. Kern, CFA, CFP
2020 has been a year we will never forget. As we prepare to enter the new year, we invite you to watch a 2021 Economic Forecast with Daniel S. Kern, CFA, CFP, who is the Chief Investment Officer at TFC Financial Management. Join us as Dan peers into the markets and gives an assessment of what may expect in 2021.
About the Presenter
Daniel S. Kern, CFA, CFP
Chief Investment Officer, TFC Financial Management

Chief Investment Officer, TFC Financial Management

Daniel S. Kern, is the Chief Investment Officer of TFC Financial Management. As Chief Investment Officer, he is responsible for overseeing TFC’s investment process, research activities and portfolio strategy. He authors investment newsletters, white papers and meets with select clients to provide investment support. Dan is also a regular contributor to US News & World Report.