Interested in a Presentation on Tax Reform?
ALL CPAs Managing Partner, Ron Loberfeld, CPA, presented “Making Cents of the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act” to the Society of Professional Consultants (SPC), this past Monday in Waltham.

Ron Loberfeld Presenting a Tax Reform Update
The presentation highlighted changes for individuals and businesses under the new tax reform including updates in:
- Tax Brackets
- Pass-Through Income
- C-Corporate Tax Rate, AMT
- Deductions
- and more
SPC member, James Poage, said of Ron’s presentation,”Ron Loberfeld, speaking at the Society of Professional Consultants about the new tax law, was informative and kept our attention. He focused on what was useful to us, and his explanations provided information we could use. He kept our interest through verbal interactions with the audience, giving interesting examples, and using humor effectively. If you want to learn about taxes from a speaker who is both understandable and inspiring (and these can be hard to do when taxes is the subject), Ron is the one to hear.”
We would like to hold additional updates at our office and possibly at yours! Click the button below if you are interested in a tax reform update, either at our office, in the form of a webinar, or having one of our staff present to your company/group.